Honolulu Marathon for Feed the Children

Real Life Traders run the Honolulu Marathon to raise funds for Feed the Children.

2020 numbers estimate that 1 in 4 American children are living in a food insecure

household. Sadly, breakfasts and lunches served in schools to approximately 30

million children across the U.S. can often be the only reliable sources of food many

children receive. When the school year ends, so do these meals, and summer can

become a time of struggle and hunger.

Jonny Guarco who is a Mentor, Coach, and Moderator at Real Life Trading has always

had the dream to help children and somehow enrich their lives. To help feed

starving children, he and his wife, Aireen, will run the Honolulu Marathon (26.2

miles) on December 12, 2021 to raise money for Feed the Children.

Jonny & Aireen will be joined by other Real Life Traders Ross Conway and Joseph

Legendary Musso and his wife Felicity, who will fly from Las Vegas to also run the Honolulu Marathon to help end child hunger.

Please show your support by donating to Real Life Foundation's fund for Feed the

Children. Jonny & Aireen will donate $40 for every marathon mile they complete.

Please consider sponsoring the Real Life Trading runners. Your tax deductible donation will go a long way to help feed America’s starving children

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Honolulu Marathon for Feed the Children

by Feed the Children
Date & Time

Starts: Wed, Nov 03, 2021 at 7:00 pm HST

Ends: Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 10:00 pm HST

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Ala Moana Blvd

Honolulu, HI 96819